
Minggu, 12 Mei 2013



Listening skill strategies:
·    A stress and rhythm Listening activities
·    A minimal pair of listening activities
·    Responding to requests and Commands (TPR)
·    Interacting as listener
·    Eavesdropping
·    Comprehending extended Speech
·    Problem solving
·    Processing authentic materials:
-    Silent viewing
-    Soundtrack
·    Beginning only
·    Ending only
·    Split Viewing (one)
·    Split Viewinig (two)

Conversation Strategies:
·    Using Short answer questions
·    Dialogue writing, skits, roleplays, and improvisations
·    Buzz groups
·    Games and Related activities
·    Pronunciation strategies
-    Strong vigorous practice
-    Self monitored practice
-    Slow motion practice
-    Loop practice
-    Whisper practice
-    Mirror practice
·    Drama Techniques:
-    A Breathing warm-up exercise
-    Walking warm-up exercise
-    A voice warm-up exercise

Reading Strategies
·    Skimming activities
·    Scanning activities
·    Reading for through comprehension: Activities
·    Critical reading
·    Extensive reading

Writing Strategies
·    Prewriting:
-    Brainstrorming
-    Clustering
-    Strategic Planning
-    Strategic Questioning
-    Sketching
-    Freewriting
-    Exploring
-    Interviewing
-    Information gathering

·    Kinds of writing
-    Newsletter writing
-    Penpals
-    Dialogue journal writing

Date    : January 5, 2005
To    : Russell Keogh
From    : Sunaryo, Nunung
Subject: Teacher training preparation - JOMBANG

We just returned from Jombang and wanted to update you on the situation there. The purpose of the visit was to  check the readiness of the disctrict coordinator and the district’ trainers in  conducting the first teacher training.  Our findings are divided into two parts: main and detailed.

Main findings:
·    We have successfully aligned the training preparation of Jombang district according to the Term of Reference.
·    The administrative matters are thoroughly prepared, but most of the training materials need revision as they are designed for plenary session.  We have suggested that they prepare the materials in a more practical manner and within their own subject area. (detailed findings are discussed below)
·    The trainers were all present and they participated actively in the discussion and simulation. (attachment 1: Attendance list)
·    Their attitude during the discussion was excellent,  they were very open to criticism, very cooperative and they didn’t complain although they had to do a lot  of  revision to their training materials and they didn’t have much time to do that.

Detailed findings
Detailed findings consists of two aspects: administrative matters and  training materials (attachment 2: Checktlist )

Administrative matters:
1.    The invitation letters for participants and guests are to be sent today (January 5, 2005), although the participants have not received the formal invitation, they have been notified informally.  The total number of participants is 100 teachers.
2.    Administrative matters such as schedule, blocknotes, ballpoints, badges, and banner are already available.
3.    Stationery such as HVS paper, plano paper, transparencies, glue, staple, boardmarkers are all available.
4.    Materials for creating teaching media are also available.
5.    The venue for teacher training is to conducted in Hotel Kartika Sentosa Hall, Jln. Kemuning,  Jombang.  The hall is big enough to accommodate 130 people.  The chairs and tables can be arranged to suit our needs, and it is also air conditioned.
6.    Equipment such as sound system, printer, OHP, flipcharts and laptops are all available and ready to use but they have not got LCD.  We have arranged to rent one from UM.

Training materials:
1.    MBS:  Scenario, presentation slides, and handouts are acceptable, but it is suggested that the presenter add pictures about model schools implementing MBS and PSM
2.    Curriculum and Syllabus:  The presentation slides are too long and rather theoritical.  The presenter is suggested to cut  it short and to get rid of the theoritical parts of his presentation.
3.    Modelling of Active Learning (PAKEM):  The model lesson will be the lesson of  bahasa Indonesia. The presenter’s preparation is not finished yet.  It is suggested that the lesson should cover all important components of active learning.
4.    Teaching Skills:  The scenario, presentation slides, and handouts are still designed for plenary session and they are too general.  It is suggested each subject trainer revises and adjusts the materials to be more specific and gives examples and application in their own subject area.
5.    Classroom management:  The scenario, presentation slides, and handouts are also designed for plenary session and they are too general.  Each subject trainer will revise and adjust the materials to be more practical and will focus only on physical arrangement of the classroom.
6.    Teaching Strategies:  The scenario, presentation slides, and handouts are  designed for plenary session and they are too long and too general.  It is suggested each subject trainer revise and adjust the materials.  They will select two or three strategies but will discuss in depth so that the participants could apply the strategies in their own classroom.
7.    Media and learning resources:   The scenario, presentation slides, and handouts are acceptable.  In each subject area, the participants will discuss and create teaching media based on their needs.
8.    Assessment:   The scenario, presentation slides, and handouts are designed for plenary session. It is suggested each subject trainer gives examples of authentic assessment first, asks the participants to do some exploration, and invites the participants to practice writing authentic assessment.
9.    Writing Lesson Plan:  The scenario is acceptable, but the presentation slides and handouts are not finished.
10.    Micro Teaching:  The scenario is acceptable. There will be 3,5 hours which is equal to 210 minutes. There will be five subject groups, each group will consist of 10 people.   The participants in each subject group will do the practice teaching in pairs and will be given 30 minutes to teach in parallel session and 12 minutes for discussion.

Given the delicate nature of teacher training in the district, we recommend that simulation for the next training should be done as early as possible so that the trainers will have enough time to revise their presentation.

Sunaryo                    Nunung

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